The warm glow of christmas lights, smell of pumpkin bread, the sounds of guitar strummin' and drilling and hammering can only mean one thing...it's the off season! I'm not sure what the off season means for you but for us, we're never really "off". Rob's playing and singing always gets really good this time of year, the house gets a bit closer to being finished and my kids get a few more baked goods in their gullets.
This season we're concentrating on the attic/bedroom for the boys, which includes completing the staircase to their room (Rob's learning a lot!). We love our house, though it's really too small for seven, we won't give it up. We can't beat the convenience, close proximity to downtown, the park, our jobs, our kids' schools, etc. So -- we make it work, this time building "up".
The boys will be moved from downstairs to their own little cave upstairs and I will reclaim our den. Air soft pellets, dirty socks, lizards, x-box games, football trophies, dirty sweatshirts, fish aquariums, candy wrappers, weight benches, stereos, pocket knives, cleats, football pads, will all be up, up and away.... and I will momentarily lift my voice to the heavens and like Nina Simone sing...
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me...and I'm Feelin' Good" and yes, for all of you who think that's a Michael Buble' song..... puh leeze....
So, when "race season" starts back and I'm a bit "fluffy" and out of shape and not very fast (as if I ever was!).... so be it. I'll have new stairs, a cleaner house, well fed monkeys, one very pampered pooch and the living room will actually have been lived in. I can't ask for more...
Our off season in pics...

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