A hair-raising view through a beginner's lenses... with a healthy dose of hissin' and scratchin'.
Since I'm divorced, we spend our months, shuffling the moneysuckers back and forth every other weekend. Now that the chief moneysucker drives her own car, I have to shuffle less and less. When we first began dating, "he" put a humorous twist on the terminology "my weekend" which normally referred to "my weekend to have the kids". Instead, he coined it "his weekend" to have custody of me when I didn't have the kids. Now that we live together, we still relish when it's "his weekend". We love the kids, the chaotic, busy family life... but when it's HIS weekend we can play when we want, work when we want, ride when we want, eat when we want, sleep when we want and we do our best to suck these 48 hours dry.